Monday, December 10, 2012

Black Can Be Neutral...

I have had many a conversation with people who say, "Oh, I would never have the guts to paint my walls, my windows or my floors black"... well, for all you nervous nellies out there... here is a fantastic example of how it can be done beautifully... not trendy... no heavy drama.  Here, Mr. Black serves to ground rooms... provide framework for lighter colors/objects and bring a space inward... dare I say even cozy...

{photo credit: Gaelle Le Boulicaut}

Crazy good, right?!

See more in this months' Lonny Mag

... and don't be afraid to GO black!


  1. Same here.. I would never go with a black chair.. but it really goes well with the rest of room in your second photograph.. :-)

  2. Just love these inspirational photos. I think daring to go black is the way to go, just need to think carefully about how to lighten it and soften it so it doesn't become too much. Loving the strong lines in the furniture and windows too.
